Jakobus 4:3

SVGij bidt, en gij ontvangt niet, omdat gij kwalijk bidt, opdat gij het in uw wellusten doorbrengen zoudt.
Steph αιτειτε και ου λαμβανετε διοτι κακως αιτεισθε ινα εν ταις ηδοναις υμων δαπανησητε

aiteite kai ou lambanete dioti kakōs aiteisthe ina en tais ēdonais ymōn dapanēsēte

Alex αιτειτε και ου λαμβανετε διοτι κακως αιτεισθε ινα εν ταις ηδοναις υμων δαπανησητε
ASVYe ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may spend [it] in your pleasures.
BEYou make your request but you do not get it, because your request has been wrongly made, desiring the thing only so that you may make use of it for your pleasure.
Byz αιτειτε και ου λαμβανετε διοτι κακως αιτεισθε ινα εν ταις ηδοναις υμων δαπανησητε
DarbyYe ask and receive not, because ye ask evilly, that ye may consume [it] in your pleasures.
ELB05ihr bittet und empfanget nichts, weil ihr übel bittet, auf daß ihr es in euren Lüsten vergeudet.
LSGVous demandez, et vous ne recevez pas, parce que vous demandez mal, dans le but de satisfaire vos passions.
Peshܫܐܠܝܢ ܐܢܬܘܢ ܘܠܐ ܢܤܒܝܢ ܐܢܬܘܢ ܡܛܠ ܕܒܝܫܐܝܬ ܫܐܠܝܢ ܐܢܬܘܢ ܐܝܟ ܕܬܬܪܤܘܢ ܪܓܝܓܬܟܘܢ ܀
SchIhr erlanget es nicht, weil ihr nicht bittet; ihr bittet und bekommt es nicht, weil ihr übel bittet, um es mit euren Wollüsten zu verzehren.
WebYe ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.
Weym or you pray and yet do not receive, because you pray wrongly, your object being to waste what you get on some pleasure or another.

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