Johannes 6:48

SVIk ben het Brood des levens.
Steph εγω ειμι ο αρτος της ζωης

egō eimi o artos tēs zōēs

Alex εγω ειμι ο αρτος της ζωης
ASVI am the bread of life.
BEI am the bread of life.
Byz εγω ειμι ο αρτος της ζωης
DarbyI am the bread of life.
ELB05Ich bin das Brot des Lebens.
LSGJe suis le pain de vie.
Peshܐܢܐ ܐܢܐ ܠܚܡܐ ܕܚܝܐ ܀
SchIch bin das Brot des Lebens.
WebI am that bread of life.
Weym I am the bread of Life.

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