Aantekeningen bij de Bijbel
Vragen, overdenkingen en achtergronden over de Bijbel,
welke resulteren in allerlei aantekeningen.
SV | En ik wil niet, broeders, dat gij onwetende zijt, dat onze vaders allen onder de wolk waren, en allen door de zee doorgegaan zijn; |
Steph | ου θελω δε υμας αγνοειν αδελφοι οτι οι πατερες ημων παντες υπο την νεφελην ησαν και παντες δια της θαλασσης διηλθον
Trans. | ou thelō de ymas agnoein adelphoi oti oi pateres ēmōn pantes ypo tēn nephelēn ēsan kai pantes dia tēs thalassēs diēlthon |
Zie ook: Exodus, Uittocht, Rode Zee, Schelfzee, Rietzee, Shekinah, Zee
Exodus 13:21, Exodus 14:22, Numeri 9:18, Deuteronomium 1:33, Jozua 4:23, Nehemia 9:12, Nehemia 9:19, Psalm 78:13, Psalm 78:14, Psalm 105:39Overzicht
- Israël als voorbeeld
- Het Avondmaal
En ik wil niet, broeders, dat gij onwetende zijt, dat onze vaders allen onder de wolk waren, en allen door de zee doorgegaan zijn;
- onder de wolk waren, de Shekinah die constant aanwezig was bij de Exodus.
- allen door de zee doorgegaan, de Rode Zee.
- Irenaeus AH 4.27.3 - But this also, [as the presbyter states,] has Paul declared most plainly in the Epistle to theCorinthians, when he says, Brethren, I would not that you should be ignorant, how that all our fathers were under the cloud, and were all baptized unto Moses in the sea, and did all eat the samespiritual meat, and did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual rock that followed them; and the rock was Christ. But with many of them God was not well pleased, for they were overthrown in the wilderness. These things were for our example (in figuram nostri), to theintent that we should not lust after evil things, as they also lusted; neither be idolaters, as were some of them, as it is written: Exodus 32:6 The people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play. Neither let us commit fornication, as some of them also did, and fell in one day three and twenty thousand. Neither let us tempt Christ, as some of them also tempted, and were destroyed of serpents. Neither murmur, as some of them murmured, and were destroyed of the destroyer. But all these things happened to them in a figure, and were written for our admonition, upon whom the end of the world (sæculorum) has come. Wherefore let him that thinks he stands, take heed lest he fall.
- Clement Stromata 7.16 104 § 3 - Our Gnostic then alone, having grown old in the Scriptures, and maintaining apostolic and ecclesiastic orthodoxy in doctrines, lives most correctly in accordance with the Gospel, and discovers the proofs, for which he may have made search (sent forth as he is by the Lord), from the law and the prophets. For the life of the Gnostic, in my view, is nothing but deeds and words corresponding to the tradition of the Lord. But “all have not knowledge. For I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren,” says the apostle, “that all were under the cloud, and partook of spiritual meat and drink;” 3681 clearly affirming that all who heard the word did not take in the magnitude of knowledge in deed and word. Wherefore also he added: “But with all of them He was not well pleased.” Who is this? He who said, “Why do you call Me Lord, and do not the will of My Father?” That is the Saviour's teaching, which to us is spiritual food, and drink that knows no thirsty the water of gnostic life. Further it is said, knowledge is said "to puff up." To whom we say: Perchance seeming knowledge is said to puff up, if one suppose the expression means "to be swollen up." But if, as is rather the case, the expression of the apostle means, "to entertain great and true sentiments," the difficulty is solved. Following, then, the Scriptures, let us establish what has been said: "Wisdom," says Solomon, "has inflated her children." For the Lord did not work conceit by the particulars of His teaching; but He produces trust in the truth and expansion of mind, in the knowledge that is communicated by the Scriptures, and contempt for the things which drag into sin, which is the meaning of the expression "inflated."
- Adamantius Dialogues
- Tertullian Against Marcion 5 7 § 13
- Epiphanius Panarion 42 11 § 8
- Een (mogelijk) citaat uit Wijsheid 19:7.
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En ik wil niet, broeders, dat gij onwetende zijt, dat onze vaders allen onder de wolk waren, en allen door de zee doorgegaan zijn;
- ἀδελφός G80 "broeder"; Uit aanzienlijk buiten-Bijbels bewijs blijkt dat het meervoud ἀδελφοί ook meer algemeen gebruikt kan worden voor "broeders en zusters" of "medechristenen" (BDAG 18 s.v. ἀδελφός 1; LSJ, ἀδελφός).
- γὰρ WH NR CEI Riv Nv; δὲ Byz ς ND Dio NM
- Lacune in minuscule 122, δ 258 (C.R. Gregory, Textkritik des Neuen Testamentes, p. 153): Hand. 1:1-14; 21:15-22:28; Rom. 1:1-7:13; 1 Cor. 2:7-14:23; 1 Joh. 4:20-Judas einde;
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