H1323_ בַּת
dochter, meisje, schoondochter, zuster, kleindochter, vrouw (jonge), dochter-dorp
Taal: Hebreeuws


Dochter, Schoondochter,


Komt 590x voor in 34 Bijbelboeken.

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cf. Akk. bittu “daughter”, Ug. WSem. lw. ( In the texts concerning the divorce of the king of Ugarit Ammistamru from the daughter of the Great Lady (wife of Bentešina, king of Amurru) the word for “daughter”, for which in Ugarit usually the logogram DUMU.SAL is used, is written several times syllabically, always in the expression “daughter of the Great Lady” (CAD R 26): salbi-it-ta ra-bi-ti (AnOr 48, 11f. RS 1957.1: 6;10); salbi-it-ti ra-bi-ti (ibid. 18; 21); salbi-it-[ti ra-bi-ti] (MRS 9, 128 RS 17.348 r. 4). bittu is interpreted here as a West Semitic cognate of Akkadian bintu (Kühne 1973, 177; Sivan 1984, 212). Apart from these references, bittu occurs in personal names of Alalaḫ (see the list in Sivan 1984, 212).)

1) dochter; 1a) kleindochter (Gen. 36:14); 2) dochters van X (cf. zonen van X, בֵּן H1121), in de zin van een bepaalde categorie (Gen. 28:1-2 dochters van Kanaän, dochters van Laban; Richt. 21:21 dochters van Silo; Hoogl. 1:5, 2:7, 3:5 dochters van Jeruzalem; Hoogl. 3:11 Jes. 3:17 dochters van Sion).

Voorkomend in de LXX als: αποθηκηG596 "bewaarplaats, zolder, graanopslagplaats"; βατοσG943 "bath, meeteenheid (bath)"; γυνηG1135 "vrouw, echtgenote"; θηλυςG2338 "vrouwelijk, vrouw"; θυγατηρG2364 "dochter"; κεραμιονG2765 "aarden vat, pot, kruik, kan, waterkruik"; κωμηG2968 "dorp, gemeente (burgelijke)"; μετρητηςG3355 "metrete"; μετρονG3358 "maatstaf, meetstok"; οριονG3725 "grenzen"; περιοικοςG4040 "rondom wonend, naburig";

Brown-Driver-Briggs Abridged Hebrew Lexicon

בַּת 587 n.f. daughter 1 daughter, female child 2 young women, women 3 with name of city, land, or people, poet. personif. of that city or inhabitants 4 pl. = villages, after name of city 5 in phrases denoting character, quality, etc. 6 ostrich 7 fig. 8 of vine = branch 9 as n. relat.

Strong Concise Dictionary Of The Words In The Hebrew Bible

H1323 בַּת bath; from 1129 (as feminine of 1121); a daughter (used in the same wide sense as other terms of relationship, literally and figuratively) — apple (of the eye), branch, company, daughter, × first, × old, owl, town, village.

Synoniemen, homoniemen en afgeleide woorden

Hebreeuws בֵּן H1121 "zoon, Torah: bezorger, vreemde, veulen, kalf, kind, kleinkind, zonen, kleinkinderen"; Hebreeuws בָּנָה H1129 "bebouwen, betimmeren (, bouw de, bouwen, arbeiders, afschieten (, bouwlieden, bouwers"; Hebreeuws בִּתְיָה H1332 "Bityah, Bitja"; Hebreeuws בַּת רַבִּים H1337 "Bath-rabbim, Bat-rabbim"; Hebreeuws בַּת־שֶׁבַע H1339 "Bathseba , Batseba"; Hebreeuws בַּת־שׁוּעַ H1340 "Bat-sua , Sua, Bath-sua"; Hebreeuws סֻכּוֹת בְּנוֹת H5524 "Succothbenoth";


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