H4332_ מִישָׁאֵל
Taal: Hebreeuws


Mísaël, Mesach,


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Brown-Driver-Briggs Abridged Hebrew Lexicon

מִישָׁאֵל n.pr.m. (Who is what God is 1 a cousin of Moses 2 one of Daniel’s companions

Strong Concise Dictionary Of The Words In The Hebrew Bible

H4332 מִישָׁאֵל Mîyshâʼêl; from 4310 and 410 with the abbreviated form insep. relatively (see 834) interposed; who (is) what God (is) ?; Mishael, the name of three Israelites — Mishael.

Synoniemen, homoniemen en afgeleide woorden

Hebreeuws אֵל H410 "God, god"; Hebreeuws אֲשֶׁר H834 "opdat, waar, wat, omdat, die, dat, want, zoals, op hoeveel man"; Hebreeuws מִי H4310 "any, what, who, whose, whom, if any"; Aramees מִישָׁאֵל H4333 "Mishael";


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