H4899_ מָשִׁיחַ
Messias, Gezalfde
Taal: Hebreeuws


Messias, Messias (prototype),


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mashiyach, zn. mnl., van מָשַׁח H4886; TWOT 1255c

Brown-Driver-Briggs Abridged Hebrew Lexicon

מָשִׁיחַ n.m. anointed 1 king of Israel anointed by divine command 2 high priest of Israel 3 Cyrus as commissioned by י׳ 4 Messianic prince 5 patriarchs, regarded as anointed kings

Strong Concise Dictionary Of The Words In The Hebrew Bible

H4899 מָשִׁיחַ mâshîyach; from 4886; anointed; usually a consecrated person (as a king, priest, or saint); specifically, the Messiah — anointed, Messiah.

Synoniemen en afgeleide woorden

Grieks Μεσσίας G3323 "Messias"; Hebreeuws מָשַׁח H4886 "zalven, smeren";



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