The Holy Spirit, Inspiration, and the Cultures of Antiquity
Multidisciplinary Perspectives
Auteur: Jörg Frey


Early Christian claims to the Holy Spirit arose in a vibrant cultural matrix that included Stoicism, Jewish mysticism, the Dead Sea Scrolls, Greco-Roman medicine, and the perspectives of Plutarch. In a range of articles, this multidisciplinary volume discovers in these texts rich cultural connections related to inspiration and the Holy Spirit. Essential reading for scholars of Judaism and the New Testament, as well as classicists and theologians.


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Titel The Holy Spirit, Inspiration, and the Cultures of Antiquity Multidisciplinary Perspectives
Auteur Jörg Frey
Uitgever De Gruyter
Jaar Verschenen 2017
Taal en
Pagina's pp. 429
Onderwerp Heilige Geest


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